The best time to start blogging is now.

The Flickr Curve. Something I discovered pretty early on in managing social media is that the lifecycle of most social media channels follow the Flickr curve. There is the same shape to search volume on Google over time: 3 years of growth followed by slow decline. Even successful ones, like Facebook They do so for… Continue reading The best time to start blogging is now.

Journalist in the streets, blogger in the sheets: Food journalists, food bloggers, food marketers.

It’s high time to reframe the food bloggers versus journalist debate. Food blogging hasn’t been separate as a form of media from journalism since Conde Naste started food blogging in 2006. That’s the point that I argued that food blogging had died as a separate medium a few years ago. People like me who started… Continue reading Journalist in the streets, blogger in the sheets: Food journalists, food bloggers, food marketers.

[aside_content]Something that I haven’t really considered and more of an aside to remind me to talk about this on Twitter, maybe food bloggers shouldn’t ever be judged through the lens of being journalists, even though they publish like real food journalists did back in that early-2000s era when journalists had jobs. It might be more useful to look at them like celebrities: primarily, product endorsers for hire.[/aside_content]

I ate the sponsored food: Why disclosure isn’t enough.

WE ALL ATE SPONSORED FOOD. #EDB13 — Juji Chew (@jujichews) November 9, 2013 I was at a blogging conference, throwing cats amongst some pigeons by discussing ethics, public relations and why I don’t mix public relations and my own blog in a panel with Cyn from The Food Pornographer, who does. I ate the sponsored… Continue reading I ate the sponsored food: Why disclosure isn’t enough.

Finding posts near the user using Geo Mashup

If you’re not someone using WordPress, this post is not going to be of any interest. Brian over at Fitzroyalty asks whether it’s possible to order content on a blog relative to reader’s location. It is. Here’s how, or at least here’s how to add a button to the sidebar/menu on a WordPress blog that:… Continue reading Finding posts near the user using Geo Mashup

Goodbye, Rosemary

I pulled out a rosemary hedge that’s been growing down the side of my house for a few decades, in about two hours. Not even the keenest lamb cook can eat that much rosemary and I still have a massive plant in the backyard to attract bees to pollinate more desirable food. It’s somehow emblematic… Continue reading Goodbye, Rosemary

How to make money with your food blog in 2013

Selling eggs near Russian Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia I’ve been trying to update this post for about a year. My first attempt ended in me saying that you shouldn’t bother trying to make money from your food blog, or at least, you should not feel entitled to recompense for your creative endeavours. It’s pretty hard… Continue reading How to make money with your food blog in 2013

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