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Not an economic analysis of food trends

Thomas the Think Engine takes on an economic analysis of food trends and the growth in American barbecue in Melbourne, and it’s really quite wrong. The whole city is suddenly buzzing with American cuisine – and just a few short years ago, that would have seemed like an oxymoron. The reason is one restaurateurs almost… Continue reading Not an economic analysis of food trends

Journalist in the streets, blogger in the sheets: Food journalists, food bloggers, food marketers.

It’s high time to reframe the food bloggers versus journalist debate. Food blogging hasn’t been separate as a form of media from journalism since Conde Naste started food blogging in 2006. That’s the point that I argued that food blogging had died as a separate medium a few years ago. People like me who started… Continue reading Journalist in the streets, blogger in the sheets: Food journalists, food bloggers, food marketers.

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