Deactivating almonds: foodie backlash and the commitment to food

Overcommitted. If you’ve been on Twitter over the past week in Australia, the slightly bewildering hashtag #activatedalmonds has been in ascendency. Pete Evans, chef, reality television judge and corporate spokesperson for Weight Watchers and Sumo Salad was eviscerated 140 characters at a time over a weekend newspaper fluff piece that documented his day of eating:… Continue reading Deactivating almonds: foodie backlash and the commitment to food

Gordon Ramsay’s Melbourne Restaurant

Unless you’ve been bound up in real news in Australia (e.g. remember Iraq? there’s still a war there), you’ve probably heard the words Gordon Ramsay Lesbian Tracy Grimshaw combined in some unholy fashion with great density. Chef Gordon Ramsay has been in town, stirring up the sort of misogyny that could only be surpassed by… Continue reading Gordon Ramsay’s Melbourne Restaurant

Vue De Monde, Melbourne

When Dickens’ Ghost of Christmas Future Yet Come decides to take me out to dinner, he’d probably take me to Vue De Monde to wallow amongst the Baby Boomer dugongs in suits and pearls. That crystalline vision into how my life would transpire if I spent the next twenty odd years focusing upon crapulence would… Continue reading Vue De Monde, Melbourne

Does Gordon Ramsay write his own extrafood column in the Herald Sun?

Gordon Ramsay’s Humble Pie was a 2006 bestseller but it was the award-winning feature writer Rachel Cooke who quietly wore out the “f” key on her laptop. Then again, she can afford a new computer, having pocketed a rumoured £100,000 share of Ramsay’s rumoured £750,000 advance. From “Literary Haunts”, The Times, November 12, 2007. Surely… Continue reading Does Gordon Ramsay write his own extrafood column in the Herald Sun?

Five Links on Friday: 22 February 2008

Food Trend: Seaborne Chefs – Marco Pierre White hits the high seas, rented out by P&O Cruises Intestines in Coca Cola – Great Vietnamese offal recipe (in Vietnamese) Rachael at Thus Bakes Zarathustra wants to glass Jamie Oliver – and I want to watch. Food Trends: Malaysia’s Roti Boy and Papa Roti open in Korea… Continue reading Five Links on Friday: 22 February 2008

“The only reason to move to Sydney would be to kick Bill Granger in his white-panted balls”

Which was how my friend J summarized my decision to move back to Melbourne. I personally have nothing against Bill Granger and he has nothing at all to do with my decision to not move anywhere near him. The other reason to move to Sydney seems that in my absence, the rental property market in… Continue reading “The only reason to move to Sydney would be to kick Bill Granger in his white-panted balls”

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