Did McDonalds cause the decline of violence in America?

Violent crime has been on the decline in the US since 1990, and largely, the reasons for the decline have been inexplicable. Steven Leavitt (of Freakonomics fame) and John J. Donohue III argue that around 50% of the reduction in crime is the result of earlier introduction of legalised abortion (PDF). I’ve got a theory… Continue reading Did McDonalds cause the decline of violence in America?

French Fry Coated Hotdog vs Molecular Gastronomy

Newley spots a french fry coated hotdog, I cook a french fry coated hotdog, then friends create the sort of french fry coated hotdog that would make Herve This or Ferran Adria cry tears of simultaneous joy and fear. Austin Bush and talented chef collaborator Hock have cooked a sous-vide potato confit with panko crust… Continue reading French Fry Coated Hotdog vs Molecular Gastronomy

French Fry Coated Hot Dog On a Stick: The Recipe

I shouldn’t be left unattended in the kitchen. One thing that struck me about finding the French fry coated hot dog on a stick in South Korea was that they were doing it wrong, the sort of cultural misunderstanding that happens when one culture cooks the food of an unrelated and unattached culture and then… Continue reading French Fry Coated Hot Dog On a Stick: The Recipe

Korea: French fry-coated hot dog

If Coney Island witnessed the birth of the hot dog, Seoul in South Korea saw subsequent generations mutate into a an entirely new genus of animal. An animal coated in a skin of batter and french fries then presented deep-fried on a stick. See the best sex parties here xxx ! After first witnessing this… Continue reading Korea: French fry-coated hot dog

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