Tsukiji Market is not just fish.

It also sells fat red chunks of whale meat. Not much of it though. While the cubed cetacean is pretty hard to uncover (I only saw a single vendor), what does tend to get overlooked is that there is also a gigantic vegetable market next door. Compared to the speed and clatter of the neighbouring… Continue reading Tsukiji Market is not just fish.

This is where tuna ends

Whole frozen tuna on a forklift at Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo I have no hope whatsoever for the future of tuna. The death warrant for Atlantic tuna was written at the last meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, ensuring that current tuna stocks will have a 50% chance of recovering… Continue reading This is where tuna ends

James Brown advertises Cup Noodles

Yes, I’m meant to be researching for a post I’m working on, but occasionally, YouTube spits out pure gold instead of the prosaic video which you seek. Above is James Brown advertising Cup Noodles. MSG-filled snackfood will never be funkier.

Ginza on a Sunday

Ginza in Tokyo, closed for traffic every Sunday I’ve been in Tokyo over the past week catching up with friends. More posts to come, with food.

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