Parachute Foodblogging 2: Restoran Nasi Kandar KL

Kuala Lumpur is the perfect town for stopover eating: parachuting into town for the few hours between flights. I’ve done it once before but this time was a bit more of a nostalgia trip. For me, breakfast in KL is synonymous with nasi kandar; Malaysian Tamil Muslim food from a cheap restaurant, leaden curries matched… Continue reading Parachute Foodblogging 2: Restoran Nasi Kandar KL

Three feet high and rising

Cook me a roti three feet high then slather it in honey and condensed milk. No, really. The above roti tisu (occasionally, “roti tissue”) is both the silliest and tallest thing that I’ve ever attempted to eat and succeeded. It came from the roti grill of Kayu Nasi Kandar, my favorite roti chefs on the… Continue reading Three feet high and rising

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